F350 Reserve and Liquidity Policy
- Section F: Fiscal Management
The Corporation will educate, tuition free, students who have legal settlement in the Corporation, and students enrolled according to the requirements of I.C. 20-26-11. The Corporation verifies Indiana residency and reports on student enrollment (Average Daily Membership) in accordance with applicable statute and Indiana Department of Education guidance, as established in administrative guideline C125-E.
A. Children of Divorced Parents
B. A student who has been expelled from another school district or who is expelled from a nonpublic school or withdraws from a public or a nonpublic school to avoid expulsion may be enrolled in the Corporation in compliance with I.C. 20-33-8-20 during the actual or proposed expulsion if:
Such students will not be charged tuition unless otherwise required by law if they do not have legal settlement in the Corporation.
If a student’s parent fails to inform the Corporation of the expulsion or withdrawal to avoid expulsion or the student fails to follow the terms and conditions established for enrollment, the Corporation may withdraw consent and prohibit the student’s enrollment during the period of the actual or proposed expulsion. Before consent is withdrawn, the student must be given an opportunity for an informal meeting with the principal. At the informal meeting, the student is entitled to:
C. Nonresident students may be accepted into the Summer School Program provided by this Corporation.
D. Transfer Students
Students without legal settlement in the Corporation (hereafter referred to as "transfer students") will be enrolled in compliance with I.C. 20-26-11-32 and the following procedure:
Pursuant to State law, a student’s application to transfer to the Corporation may be denied if the student has been suspended for ten (10) or more school days, or suspended or expelled for possession of a firearm, deadly weapon, or a destructive device, causing physical injury to a person, a violation of the Corporation’s drug or alcohol rules during the twelve (12) months preceding the student’s request to transfer, or if the student has had a history of unexcused absences and the Corporation believes that, based upon the location of the student's residence, attendance would be a problem for the student if the student is enrolled with the Corporation.
For purposes of computing the number of days of suspension of the student requesting enrollment, student discipline received from a teacher pursuant to I.C. 20-33-8-25(b)(7) shall be included in the calculation of the number of school days that a student has been suspended.
Transportation will not be provided by the School Corporation for transfer students accepted for enrollment, unless the transfer student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in which transportation is required to be provided as a related service.
No transfer student shall be accepted for enrollment for athletic reasons.
Transfer students will not be charged unless otherwise required by law.
Pursuant to IC 20-26-19 et.seq., a student meets the residency requirements for enrollment in the Corporation if the parent of the student meets the following:
F350 Reserve and Liquidity Policy
H250 School Library Material Removal Request Procedure