The School Board desires to maintain and encourage open channels of communication between itself and the staff. Notwithstanding, staff will generally direct communication to the School Board through the Superintendent.
Communication with board members, made within a staff member’s professional capacity, will be redirected to the staff member’s supervisor as determined by the chain of command established by the Superintendent for business of the school corporation. This policy is not intended to deny any staff member the right to take appeals to the Board through established procedures or infringe on a staff member’s constitutional rights.
Likewise, the Superintendent will communicate all official messages, policies, and directives of the Board to staff. The Superintendent shall also keep staff members appropriately informed of the Board's problems, concerns, and actions. The board president may always communicate directly with the school's general council.
Both staff and Board members share a keen interest in the schools and in education generally, and it is to be expected that when they meet at social affairs and other functions, they will informally discuss such matters as educational trends, issues, and innovations, and general activities of the District. When board members are approached regarding confidential subjects including, but not limited to, personnel grievances and problems, student due process, contract negotiations, and litigation, they will be redirected by the board member to the staff member’s supervisor.